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Terms and Conditions

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These terms of use include the necessary instructions for how to use and benefit from our website “” (hereinafter referred to as “our website”), whether as a browser or as a user. Our website usage guidelines include the procedures for logging and browsing or registering to use the website.

By using our website, you confirm your acceptance of these Terms of Use and your agreement to comply with their terms.

If you do not accept these terms, you must not use the website.

User Acknowledgments

You acknowledge and agree to be bound by these Terms of Use and acknowledge that:

Intellectual Property Rights

Not relying on information

Despite efforts to update our website information, we do not represent or warrant, express or implied, the accuracy, timeliness and completeness of the content of our website and are under no obligation to update it. You should also obtain professional or specialized advice before taking any decision or reversing a decision based on the content of our website.

We do not warrant that the content of our website will meet your needs or expectations, nor do we guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or quality of our website or its content, or the continuity of availability of some parts of it, nor do we guarantee that our website or any part of its contents will be free of errors or omissions.

Link to our website

If you wish to use our website other than the above, please contact us at

Third-party links and Resources on our Website

Our website contains links to other websites and resources provided by other parties. Your use of these links is for information only, and we do not have the authority to control the content of these websites or sources, and you must refer to the original sources as they may be updated.

Changes to Terms

These terms and conditions are subject to change at any time by amending this page so please check this page from time to time.


The information given and any other information about you that is obtained by you is subject to the Privacy Policy.

Applicable Law

These terms, conditions and representations, their subject matter and formation, are subject to the provisions of the laws and regulations in force in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Contact us

We welcome your communication regarding these conditions, and you may contact us at