We facilitate the recruitment journey in all its stages
Recruitment Journey & Musaned
1Eligibility for the Recruitment
- Verify eligibility for recruitment by entering Musaned website portal and entering the required Taasherah data (professional and nationality) and the required financial ability data
- Pay the Taasherah fee
- Taasherah issuing
2Contact Maktab Khebrat for Recruitment for recruitment and finalize the selection
- Call us or put your information in the contact form and we will contact you
- Select the profession and nationality of the household service worker, such as a maid, a private driver, or others
- Specify the specifications (if you want, like he/she be a Muslim or a non-Muslim, etc.)
- CVs will be sent through WhatsApp, Telegram, or the method suiable to the you
- Select the CV
3Completing the process in Musaned, specifying "مكتب خبرات للاستقدام" and finalize the contract
- Login to Musaned website ( from here )
- Determin the type of service - recruitment according to the specifications - then specifying a household service worker, a private driver, or whatever you wish, which was agreed upon with us
- Determining the nationality according to what was agreed
- In the name of the office, put "مكتب خبرات للاستقدام"
- The office is selected according to the previously agreement
- Press continue
- A pop-up screen will appear, select the specifications according to what was agreed upon with us or leave it blank
- Click on confirm and send
- Contracting
- Payment